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Hip & Elbow X-rays

Get scores recognised by the WUSV

Why screening for hip and elbow dysplasia is important

Hip dysplasia is the most comment developmental orthopedic disease in dogs. First described in the 1930's, it continues to affect millions of dogs world wide. The etiology is multifactorial, having both genetic and environmental components. Screening for the disease or predisposition thereof is typically done at the age of 12 months (or older) and important for treating affected individals as well as for making breeding recommendations.


Most countries with a mainstream hip and elbow dysplasia (HD-ED) screening program only request one type of flexed ML view. The WUSV recommends two different projections of the respective hip and elbow joints to safeguard against misinterpretations of changes at the medial coronoid process.

How does the WUSV HD-ED Scheme compare to others?

The vast majority of various national/international elbow dysplasia screening programs are based on the protocol of the International Elbow Working Group (IEWG, here). The protocol includes a mandatory mediolateral (ML) flexed projection of each elbow joint. IEWG recommends an additional ML flexed projection (about 40° and 100°) and a cranio-caudal oblique (15°) view. ​ The German HD-ED Expert Panel at DZG is already providing HD-ED assessments to a wide range of canine organisations including the World Union of German Shepherds (The WUSV) and several country members of the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI, main global purebreed pedigree provider).

 Source: here and here

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Sheet Fees

Examination of hips & elbows x-rays:


incl. Lumbar-Sacral OC(D) (@L7:os) and Transitional Vertebra


Who is Scoring?

Dysplasia Zentrum Gießen (DZG) is an academic institute dedicated to diagnostic imaging of skeletal dysplasia in small animals, including canines. The institute is commissioned to provide hip and elbow scoring services to many canine umbrella organisations, including the World Union for GSD (WUSV). The DZG is committed to support not only breed clubs but also dog owners. The DZG HD-ED Expert Panel are all accredited members of GRSK e.V which is the German equivalent to the Radiology Chapter of the Australian and New Zealand Collage of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS).

Why a DZG HD-ED Portal?


The WGSDCA wants to support GSD owners wanting to comply with the WUSV Breed Mandate.

DZG is commissioned by the WUSV as a service provider of hip and elbow x-ray examination. The WGSCA has also commissioned DZG's to provide the same service. Australian dogs partaking in WUSV  events must have HD-ED scores from a recognized service provider starting from 01.01.25.

You can submit x-rays to DZG via the WGSDCA-DZG Portal if you are a current financial WGSDCA member.

Your dog should be at least 12 months old.


If you plan to use the HD/ED results for the WUSV Breed Program, you must use an Australian vet accredited by the DZG, as additional images will be needed. If this is not essential for you, you may select a vet of your choice.

DZG logo_edited.png

Australian Foreign Veterinary Radiologists


Which Vet?

You may choose to use any licensed veterinarian who you trust has the expertise to provide high quality x-ray images or you may choose to use one of the Australian Foreign Veterinary Radiologists (FVR). If you choose the former, then make sure they can provide you with an electronic copy of the x-rays (DICOM format)

The Foreign Veterinary Radiologist Program

Developed by the DZG as part of them being commissioned by major international canine organisations such as the WUSV and the FCI. The Program harmonises the way x-rays must be taken and as such ensures scores are comparable and recognised world-wide.


A Foreign Veterinary Radiologist have passed a practical as well as theoretical exam. They will take two different projections of the elbows and hips (common practice is just one of each) to give the best information about the shape and structure of the hip and elbow joints. You can help us by inviting your vet to participate in the Program. We currently have 3 FVRs in Australia.


David Skilling

07 4928 2593

339 Dean Street, Frenchville QLD 4701, Australia


Roger Blackwell

03 6362 2108

23 Beefeater Street, Deloraine TAS 7304, Australia


Rosemary McKean

02 6921 3462

3 Moorong Street, Moorong Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia

Purchase HDED Scoring Sheets


Examination of hips & elbows x-rays:


incl. Lumbar-Sacral OC(D) (@L7:os) and Transitional Vertebra


Sorry - our records show that you are not a current WGSDCA member.

Please contact our office if you think this is an error.

Owner Details:

Dog Details:

Upload Pedigree Certificate

Vet Details:

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The Process



Apply for HDED Scoring Sheets

Print the digital Sheets sent to your email and bring them to the vet at the day of x-ray. It's your responsibility to ensure that the dog comply with the specified requirements and the correctness of the sheets. Fees are non-refundable. You must be a current WGSDCA member. Your dog must be at least 12months of age and identifiable via the microchip number indicated on its pedigree certificate. The elected vet must have have a practitioners board license.


Make X-ray Appointment

Print the Scoring Sheets and bring them to the selected vet on the day of your x-ray appointment. The vet must: - Verify the dog's identity by checking the microchip number. - Complete the "Vet Information" sections on the Scoring Sheets, ensuring each sheet is signed and dated. Take the completed sheets with you. If you are using a FVR, the vet will submit the x-rays directly to the DZG. You only need to return the completed sheets to the WGSDCA. If you are not using an FVR: Request an electronic copy of the x-rays (DICOM format only). Submit both the sheets and images to the WGSDCA. If DZG finds the x-rays to be of poor quality, they must be retaken at your expense. This is unlikely if you use an FVR.


Return Scoring Sheets to WGSDCA

Make a high-resolution scan of the completed Scoring Sheets and submit to the WGSDCA. The scans will be forwarded to the DZG. If you didn't use a FVR, then you need to upload the x-ray images as well (DICOM FORMAT ONLY).



The DZG will assess the x-ray images and assign a diagnostic score for the hips and elbow joints (and OCD if requested). The results will be noted on the Scoring Sheets. The dated, signed and stamped Sheets will be returned to the WGSDCA Breed Warden. On receipt, the Breed Warden will send you a copy as well as a HDED Certificate. The results will be recorded in the WGSDCA HDED Database.

Return HDED Scoring Sheets

Did you make a high-resolution scan of EACH of the Sheets filled out and signed by the vet?  The scans will be forwarded to DZG.
If you didn't use a FVR, then you need to upload the x-ray images as well (DICOM format only).

Click the Reference Number to return sheets.

HDED Reference Number
Return HD Sheet
Return ED Sheet
Return OC(D) Sheet
Upload hip x-rays
Upload LEFT elbow x-rays
Upload RIGHT elbow x-rays
Upload LSTV x-rays

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Support Australian GSD Breeders in a Global Initiative

Information for Veterinarians


Participate in a Screening Program aimed at standardising  hip & elbow assessments for German Shepherds worldwide. 



Your clinic must be able to generate X-rays in DICOM format. No other format will be accepted by the DZG. You must have a Veterinary Board Registration number. The WGSDCA will cover your Registration and Certification fees.


What does an accredited Australian FVR do?

A GSD owner will schedule an appointment for hip and elbow X-rays. On the day, you must confirm the microchip number and fill out the Veterinary sections in the DZG Scoring Sheet which they will bring. After taking the X-rays, add a X-ray identification number(s), sign the Sheets, and return them to the owner. Finally, submit the X-rays to the DZG  through your myVetXL account.

Registration & FVR Accreditation


Initial Image Quality Assessment
Register your clinic to obtain the DZG account setup information, which will allow you to submit images directly to the DZG. You are required to submit X-rays from three Shepherd Dogs, and may use existing X on file.

FVR Accreditation
Once you have completed the previous step and DZG has confirmed that your X-ray images meet their quality standards, you will a password from DZG to access the five Online Training Modules developed by WUSV and DZG for the global synchronization of GSD HD-ED scores.

Please notify us or Dr. Tellhelm when you are prepared to take the online test. Upon passing, you will receive an FVR identification number and a Certificate. Your accreditation will be reviewed by DZG every four years at no cost.

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